About Us

Our Story 

We are Rhona and Steve.

Similar to most relationships, when we first met we experienced what’s typically referred to as the honeymoon phase. We were desperate to spend as much time together as we could, and we felt as if we were in a magic bubble. We felt so connected to each other. Where we  perhaps differed from other couples in a new relationship was that we were in our 40s, we’d both been married and divorced previously and we knew that we wanted a committed, long-term relationship together.

And so we made a conscious decision to understand each other's communication styles, understand each other’s emotional needs, and to learn what made us feel secure and loved within our relationship. Many couples enter a new relationship hoping that this will be the one that lasts forever but they often don’t take the time to understand their partner’s communication and emotional needs. This can lead to a breakdown in the relationship once the euphoria of the honeymoon period passes.  

What we set out to achieve was that we were both equipped with the tools, techniques, and understanding to ensure our relationship stayed easy, safe, and fun. So we did a ton of research from relationship experts such as the Gottmans, psychologists, and marriage therapists. We discussed all the different advice at length and brought together the best bits to form our own guide to our own relationship. These are the principles and behaviors we have applied in our own relationship and we know they work.

The concept for Re-ignite Your Relationship was born on a beach in Spain where we had been discussing the fact that there always seems to be self-help books in the bestsellers list at the airport, yet none of them ever seemed to be about relationships. Love is a key component in our lives, yet nobody teaches us how love works as we’re growing up.

We got on to the topic of why our own relationship worked so well, which turned into a conversation on how we could potentially help others with their love life. We came to the conclusion that communication is the most important aspect of a happy and healthy successful relationship - even if there’s another element of your relationship that might need work, you still need to know how to talk about it.

And now, we want to share what we have learned and applied with others so that you can avoid the common mistakes other couples make (and save you from doing your own research). We’ve basically brought together all the best bits from 'the experts' to build an effective, practical communication coaching program for couples.

How Do We Know Our Program Works?

Well we have applied our research to our own relationship and we have never had a single argument in our blissful seven years together. This includes being honest, and vulnerable at times but we made a promise to each other that we would always find a way to talk about anything and everything.

In our experience, anyone can learn better communication strategies to eliminate friction, and once you no longer bicker over day to day issues, you can focus on strengthening your emotional connection.

Re-ignite Your Relationship is dedicated to helping couples who might be worried that they’ve lost their original deep connection and yearn to return to being a happy, loving couple. Maybe you’re aware that some resentment has been building up and you feel unable to tackle your concerns directly. Perhaps you're in that awkward situation when you know your partner isn't happy, but don't know what to do about it - despite your best attempts, the love you once shared feels like it’s slowly deteriorating.

If this sounds like you, please reach out to see how our 6-week coaching program can help.

Our Values

Authenticity and integrity are two of our core values, so we are committed to ensuring that you undergo the transformation we set out to achieve. Our program promise to you is that you’ll go from feeling unheard, unappreciated, and frustrated in your relationship to feeling supported, valued, and secure, allowing you to confidently grow closer to your partner in a relaxed and happy environment. You can learn more about what’s involved here.

Get to know us by watching our story below....